Our melted queso is crafted from the perfect blend of spicy peppers and flavorful cheese.
Melt-in-Your-Mouth Good
Menu data is current as of the date posted. Product formulations and nutritional values may differ for certain Taco Bueno non-traditional locations that may be based on a different ingredients. Although this data is based on standard portion guidelines, variation can be expected due to seasonal influences, differences in product preparation per restaurant and other factors. Product formulations and/or ingredient changes may occur before www.tacobueno.com is updated. Substitution of ingredients may alter nutritional values. Menu items may vary by location. Limited time offerings and test menu items may not be included in this Nutrition Guide.
2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice, but calorie needs vary.
Nutrition Facts
- 6.6TOTAL FAT (g)
- 4.3CARB (g)
- 4.6PROTEIN (g)
- Calories from fat (fat cal)59.4
- Saturated fat (g) 4
- Trans fat (g) 0.3
- Cholesterol (mg) 22
- Sugars (g) 1.5
- Sodium (mg) 792.6
- Dietary fiber (g) 0.2
- 13.2TOTAL FAT (g)
- 8.6CARB (g)
- 9.2PROTEIN (g)
- Calories from fat (fat cal)118.8
- Saturated fat (g) 7.9
- Trans fat (g) 0.6
- Cholesterol (mg) 44
- Sugars (g) 3.1
- Sodium (mg) 1585.2
- Dietary fiber (g) 0.5